SpaceControl DLL  Version 2.8.3
API documentation for the SpaceControl 3D input devices File Reference

The SpaceControl DLL's implementing file. More...

#include "spc_ctrlr.h"
#include "trncv_com.h"
#include "trncv_prot.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "util.h"
Include dependency graph for


char * scStatusToStr (ScStatus ss)
 Returns a DLL function's status code as a string. More...
ScStatus scIsProcessRunning (char *processName, bool *isRunningP)
 Checks if the process with the given name is running or not. More...
ScStatus scSetCurrentUserRegValue (char *keyP, char *nameP, char *valueP)
 Sets a new string value into the Windows registry under the base key HKEY_CURRENT_USER. More...
ScStatus scQueryCurrentUserRegValue (char *keyP, char *nameP, int len, char *valueP)
 Queries a string value from the Windows registry under the base key HKEY_CURRENT_USER. More...
ScStatus scDelCurrentUserRegValue (char *keyP, char *nameP)
 Deletes a string value in the Windows registry under the base key HKEY_CURRENT_USER. More...
ScStatus scConnect2 (bool isAlwaysReceivingData, char *applName)
 Establishes the connection to the SpaceControl daemon. More...
ScStatus scConnect ()
int stopWritingThread (DeviceProxy *proxyP)
int stopReadingThread (DeviceProxy *proxyP)
int deleteDeviceProxy (DeviceProxy *proxyP)
int deleteProxies ()
ScStatus scDisconnect ()
 Closes the connection to the SpaceControl daemon. More...
ScStatus scStop ()
 Sends the SpaceControl Daemon a stop message, the process finishes itself after sending an OK message. More...
ScStatus scGetDmnVrsn (char *versionP, char *pathP)
 Retrieves the SpaceControl daemon's software version and its binary name and path. More...
ScStatus scGetDevNum (int *devNumP, int *usedDevNumP, int *maxDevIdxP)
 Retrieves the number devNum of SpaceControl devices actually connected to the computer, the number usedDevNum of SpaceControl devices actually used by the driver and the maximal device index maxDevIdx a device may be addressed with at the moment. More...
ScStatus scGetFgAppl (char *fgApplNameP, char *fgApplStateP)
 Retrieves the name and potentially the state of the foreground application. More...
ScStatus scGetDllLogPars (char logFile[gMaxFileNameLen], int *maxSizeP, bool *isLogToFileP, bool *isLogToCnslP, bool *isWrnP, bool *isCrtP, bool *isTrcP, bool *isDcmP, bool *isIcmP, bool *isInfP, bool *isDbgP, bool *isTmpP, char exclFileToLog[gMaxFileNameLen])
 Retrieves the logging parameters and filenames actually used by the internal DLL functions. More...
ScStatus scSetDllLogPars (char logFile[gMaxFileNameLen], int maxSize, bool isLogToFile, bool isLogToCnsl, bool isWrn, bool isCrt, bool isTrc, bool isDcm, bool isIcm, bool isInf, bool isDbg, bool isTmp, char exclFileToLog[gMaxFileNameLen])
 Sets the logging parameters actually used by the internal DLL functions. More...
ScStatus scSetState2 (char *state)
 Informs the daemon about the internal state (mode) of a supported application. More...
ScStatus scSetState (char *str1, char *str2)
ScStatus scSetMode (ScDaemonMode mode)
 This function is for internal use only - do not call it. More...
ScStatus scGetDaemonPar (int par, int *val)
 Retrieves one of the parameters available in the Daemon's configuration file "daemon.ini". More...
ScStatus scSetDaemonPar (int par, int *val)
 Sets one of the parameters available in the Daemon's configuration file "daemon.ini". More...
ScStatus scGetDevInfo (int devIdx, ScDevInfo *diP)
 Retrieves some information data about the device with the given index. More...
ScStatus scGetDefDevPars (int devIdx, ScDevPars *dpP)
 Retrieves the default values of the device parameters. More...
ScStatus scGetDevPars (int devIdx, ScDevPars *dpP)
 Retrieves the actual device parameters as listed in the *.cfg files. More...
ScStatus scSetDevPars (int devIdx, ScDevPars *dpP)
 Sets and retrieves the actual device parameters as listed in the device's configuration file. More...
ScStatus scSetDevParsToDefaults (int devIdx, ScDevPars *dpP)
 Sets the actual device parameters to the defaults and retrieves the new parameters. More...
ScStatus scGetBasicSettings (int devIdx, ScBasicSettings *bsP)
 Retrieves the actual basic settings parameters. More...
ScStatus scSetBasicSettings (int devIdx, ScBasicSettings *bsP)
 Sets and retrieves the actual basic settings parameters. More...
ScStatus scGetAdvancedSettings (int devIdx, ScAdvancedSettings *asP)
 Retrieves the actual advanced settings parameters. More...
ScStatus scSetAdvancedSettings (int devIdx, ScAdvancedSettings *asP)
 Sets and retrieves the actual advanced settings parameters. More...
ScStatus scGetAdvSens (int devIdx, ScAdvSens *asP)
 Retrieves the actual six sensitivity parameters of the advanced settings. More...
ScStatus scSetAdvSens (int devIdx, ScAdvSens *asP)
 Sets and retrieves the six actual sensitivity parameters of the advanced settings. More...
ScStatus scGetStdMode (int devIdx, unsigned char *bitmaskP)
ScStatus scSetStdMode (int devIdx, unsigned char *bitmaskP)
ScStatus scGetSens (int devIdx, int *transSensP, int *rotSensP)
 Retrieves the device's sensitivity. More...
ScStatus scSetSens (int devIdx, int *transSensP, int *rotSensP)
 Sets and retrieves the device's sensitivity. More...
ScStatus scGetXTraSens (int devIdx, int *sensP)
 Retrieves the device's sensitivity for the x-translation. More...
ScStatus scSetXTraSens (int devIdx, int *sensP)
 Sets and retrieves the device's sensitivity for the x-axis' translation. More...
ScStatus scGetYTraSens (int devIdx, int *sensP)
 Retrieves the device's sensitivity for the y-translation. More...
ScStatus scSetYTraSens (int devIdx, int *sensP)
 Sets and retrieves the device's sensitivity for the y-axis' translation. More...
ScStatus scGetZTraSens (int devIdx, int *sensP)
 Retrieves the device's sensitivity for the z-translation. More...
ScStatus scSetZTraSens (int devIdx, int *sensP)
 Sets and retrieves the device's sensitivity for the z-axis' translation. More...
ScStatus scGetXRotSens (int devIdx, int *sensP)
 Retrieves the device's sensitivity for the x-rotation. More...
ScStatus scSetXRotSens (int devIdx, int *sensP)
 Sets and retrieves the device's sensitivity for the x-axis' rotation. More...
ScStatus scGetYRotSens (int devIdx, int *sensP)
 Retrieves the SC device's sensitivity for the y-rotation. More...
ScStatus scSetYRotSens (int devIdx, int *sensP)
 Sets and retrieves the SpaceControl device's sensitivity for the y-axis' rotation. More...
ScStatus scGetZRotSens (int devIdx, int *sensP)
 Retrieves the device's sensitivity for the z-rotation. More...
ScStatus scSetZRotSens (int devIdx, int *sensP)
 Sets and retrieves the device's sensitivity for the z-axis' rotation. More...
ScStatus scGetSendDelay (int devIdx, int *maxPeriodP, int *minPeriodP)
 Retrieves the devic's data rate parameters. More...
ScStatus scSetSendDelay (int devIdx, int *maxPeriodP, int *minPeriodP)
 Sets and retrieves the devices's data rate parameters. More...
ScStatus scGetNullRad (int devIdx, int *nullRadP)
 Retrieves the device's null radius (threshold). More...
ScStatus scSetNullRad (int devIdx, int *nullRadP)
 Sets and retrieves the device's null radius (threshold). More...
ScStatus scSetStdZero (int devIdx)
 Sets the actual displacement of the cap as the standard 0 value. More...
ScStatus scFetchStdData (int devIdx, short *xP, short *yP, short *zP, short *aP, short *bP, short *cP, int *traLmhP, int *rotLmhP, int *eventP, long *tvSecP, long *tvUsecP)
 Fetches the standard data set. More...
void * writeDataToCbFunction (void *proxyP)
void * readDataFromDevice (void *proxyP)
int createDeviceProxyThreads (int devIdx, stdDataCallbackP cbP)
bool checkDevIndex (int devIdx)
ScStatus scTransferCallbackFunction (int devIdx, stdDataCallbackP cbP)
 This function hands over a callback function pointer to the API. More...
ScStatus scGetRawData (int devIdx, unsigned char buf[RAW_DATA_LEN])
 The opto-electronical sensor integrated into the cap consists of six LEDs illuminating six position sensitive devices (PSD) producing data between 0 and 1023. More...
ScStatus scGetTra (int devIdx, bool *isTraP)
 Answers with true if the translational mode is set. More...
ScStatus scSetTra (int devIdx, bool *isTraP)
 Sets and retrieves the translational mode. More...
ScStatus scGetXTra (int devIdx, bool *isTraP)
 Answers with true if the x-axis' translational data will be transmitted. More...
ScStatus scSetXTra (int devIdx, bool *isTraP)
 Sets and retrieves the translational mode for the x-axis. More...
ScStatus scGetYTra (int devIdx, bool *isTraP)
 Answers with true if the y-axis' translational data will be transmitted. More...
ScStatus scSetYTra (int devIdx, bool *isTraP)
 Sets and retrieves the translational mode for the y-axis. More...
ScStatus scGetZTra (int devIdx, bool *isTraP)
 Answers with true if the z-axis' translational data will be transmitted. More...
ScStatus scSetZTra (int devIdx, bool *isTraP)
 Sets and retrieves the translational mode for the z-axis. More...
ScStatus scGetXTraRev (int devIdx, bool *isRevP)
 Answers with true if the x-axis' translational mode is set to reverse. More...
ScStatus scSetXTraRev (int devIdx, bool *isRevP)
 Sets and retrieves the x-axis' reverse translational mode. More...
ScStatus scGetYTraRev (int devIdx, bool *isRevP)
 Answers with true if the y-axis' translational mode is set to reverse. More...
ScStatus scSetYTraRev (int devIdx, bool *isRevP)
 Sets and retrieves the y-axis' reverse translational mode. More...
ScStatus scGetZTraRev (int devIdx, bool *isRevP)
 Answers with true if the z-axis' translational mode is set to reverse. More...
ScStatus scSetZTraRev (int devIdx, bool *isRevP)
 Sets and retrieves the z-axis' reverse translational mode. More...
ScStatus scGetRot (int devIdx, bool *isRotP)
 Answers with true if the rotational mode is set. More...
ScStatus scSetRot (int devIdx, bool *isRotP)
 Sets and retrieves the rotational mode. More...
ScStatus scGetXRot (int devIdx, bool *isRotP)
 Answers with true if the x-axis' rotational data will be transmitted. More...
ScStatus scSetXRot (int devIdx, bool *isRotP)
 Sets and retrieves the rotational mode for the x-axis. More...
ScStatus scGetYRot (int devIdx, bool *isRotP)
 Answers with true if the y-axis' rotational data will be transmitted. More...
ScStatus scSetYRot (int devIdx, bool *isRotP)
 Sets and retrieves the rotational mode for the y-axis. More...
ScStatus scGetZRot (int devIdx, bool *isRotP)
 Answers with true if the z-axis' rotational data will be transmitted. More...
ScStatus scSetZRot (int devIdx, bool *isRotP)
 Sets and retrieves the rotational mode for the z-axis. More...
ScStatus scGetXRotRev (int devIdx, bool *isRevP)
 Answers with true if the x-axis' rotational mode is set to reverse. More...
ScStatus scSetXRotRev (int devIdx, bool *isRevP)
 Sets and retrieves the x-axis' reverse rotational mode. More...
ScStatus scGetYRotRev (int devIdx, bool *isRevP)
 Answers with true if the y-axis' rotational mode is set to reverse. More...
ScStatus scSetYRotRev (int devIdx, bool *isRevP)
 Sets and retrieves the y-axis' reverse rotational mode. More...
ScStatus scGetZRotRev (int devIdx, bool *isRevP)
 Answers with true if the z-axis' rotational mode is set to reverse. More...
ScStatus scSetZRotRev (int devIdx, bool *isRevP)
 Sets and retrieves the z-axis' reverse rotational mode. More...
ScStatus scGetDom (int devIdx, bool *isDomP)
 Answers with true if the dominant mode is set. More...
ScStatus scSetDom (int devIdx, bool *isDomP)
 Sets and retrieves the dominant mode. More...
ScStatus scReadMsg (int devIdx, char *msgP)
ScStatus scGetCfgFilename (int devIdx, char *filename)
 Retrieves the name and path of the device's actual configuration file. More...
ScStatus scSaveDevPars (int devIdx, char *filePath)
 Saves the actual parameters of the device with index devIdx to the configuration file given in filePath. More...
ScStatus scLoadDevPars (int devIdx, char *filePath, ScDevPars *dpP)
 Loads the parameters in the configuration file given in filePath into the device with index devIdx. More...
ScStatus scPressKey (int devIdx, int key)
 Triggers the same action as is done when a key of the device is pressed, i. More...
ScStatus scRelKey (int devIdx, int key)
 Triggers the same action as is done when a key of the device is released. More...
ScStatus scTriggerFunction (int devIdx, int funcIdx)
 Triggers the function with index funcIdx. More...
ScStatus scSetLeds (int devIdx, int *redP, int *greenP, int *blueP)
 Sets and retrieves the brightness of the device's blue LEDs. More...
ScStatus scGetLed (int devIdx, int ledNo, int *brightnessP)
 Gets the brightness of a single LED. More...
ScStatus scSetLed (int devIdx, int ledNo, int *brightnessP)
 Sets and retrieves the brightness of a single LED. More...
ScStatus scGetLedsEx (int devIdx, char brightness[LED_NUM])
 Gets the brightnesses of all LEDs. More...
ScStatus scSetLedsEx (int devIdx, char brightness[LED_NUM])
 Sets and retrieves the brightness of all LEDs. More...
ScStatus scGetLcd (int devIdx, int *brightnessP)
 Retrieves the LCD's brightness. More...
ScStatus scSetLcd (int devIdx, int *brightnessP)
 Sets and retrieves the LCD's brightness
Example: More...
ScStatus scSetLcdColor (int devIdx, int *redP, int *greenP, int *blueP)
 Sets and retrieves the LCD's background color. More...
ScStatus scSetDsplString (int devIdx, int row, char text[MAX_DSPL_STR_LEN], int *charNumP)
 Sets a line of text into the display. More...
ScStatus scGetFmwUpdtState (int devIdx, int *mcuIdP, int *progressP)
 Retrieves the state of a firmware update in progress. More...
ScStatus scExecCmd (int devIdx, char *cmd)
 Executes a special command. More...
ScStatus scGetLogPars ()
void scPrintVersion ()

Detailed Description

The SpaceControl DLL's implementing file.

Function Documentation

ScStatus scSetMode ( ScDaemonMode  mode)

This function is for internal use only - do not call it.

modeSC_DMN_NRM normal mode, SC_DMN_TST test mode


char* scStatusToStr ( ScStatus  ss)

Returns a DLL function's status code as a string.

ssstatus code to be retrieved
the status code as a string



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