SpaceControl DLL  Version 2.8.3
API documentation for the SpaceControl 3D input devices
Here is a list of all modules:
 Functions for handling with the SpaceControl DaemonThis group of functions is used for setting up the connection with the SpaceControl Daemon and handle special things where the daemon is involved, but not the devices
 Functions for switching axes on and off and revertingThese functions are used to switch axes on and off and to revert the axes' orientation
 Functions for handling the sensitivityThese functions are used for handling the axes' sensitivities
 Functions for handling the LEDsThese functions are used to set the brightness and color of all LEDs
 Functions for handling the displayThese functions handle the brightness of the LCD and are used to write strings to it
 Functions for handling with further basic settingsThese functions are handling with basic settings as a whole
 Functions for handling with further advanced settingsThese functions are handling with advanced settings as a whole
 Functions for accessing SpaceControl devicesThese functions are used to handle with a device in a more general way as in the other sections
 Functions not listed in other sectionsThese functions could not meaningful be sorted into the other sections

SpaceControl Copyright (c) SpaceControl GmbH, Am Technologiepark 10, D-82229 Seefeld
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